Thursday 15 September 2016

Home Décor – Make Your Home Paradise

Revamping home décor do not always need a major project and you do not have to spend a hefty amount on home décor. Home décor is necessary because home reflects the personality of an individual. Following are some brilliant home decorative ideas.

Bathroom Decor Ideas

The bathroom might be the smallest room in the house but it is also one of the easiest to update. It is the most important place in the house and it needs to be decorated nicely as it reflects the entire house. A fresh lick of paint, some new tiles or updated bathroom accessories are all that are required to décor bathroom. Big stores have come a long way in terms of cheap and chic bathroom accessories and stylish storage options. Give your bathroom a glamorous update with these ideas.

· Replace bathroom shower curtain and curtain hooks for an instant freshener for even the most dingy bathroom. Create a sparkling bathroom makeover.

· Dress the bathroom wall richly. Give it a dramatic color, wallpaper or sparkly tile.

· Avoid white on white. White walls, white fixtures and white towels create a clean, restful, and spa-like vibe, but white on white doesn’t shout glam.

Kitchen Décor Ideas

Freshening up a kitchen does not have to be a nightmarish haze of blown budgets and chaotic schedules. Giving a makeover to a kitchen can be as easy as pie.

· Redo the counters.

· Update the kitchen with paint.

· Reface the cabinets. Refacing cabinet doors is a process where original doors are removed, sprayed off site and then installed back in place.

· Retile kitchen backsplashes. Most backslashes require only a few square feet of tile. Porcelain tile can be treated for most of the surface.

· Beautify the kitchen windows by planting herbs and lining the pots up there.
Bedroom Décor Ideas

· Change the light bulb in the bedroom lamp with a pink one for a rosy, romantic glow or opt for a pink lampshade as it will beautify your bedroom.

· Replace the drawer and cabinets pulls in your bedroom.

· Place a lamp beside the bed as it adds beauty to the bedroom.

· Place fancy lights or candle stands in the room as it will give a romantic and appealing look.

Other ways to Décor Home

· Update lampshades in more contemporary shapes.

· Instead of repainting a whole room, just paint one wall in a focal color or paint a contrasting rectangle over a sofa to use as a gallery space.

· Update window dressings.

· Edit the accessories. Remember that too much of a good thing is too much.

· Paint the mouldings in a contrasting shade or white.

· Replace an old faucet with a new one. It is a relatively simple DIY project.

· Place an inexpensive but attractive frame or rescue an old one from an antique store.

· Maximize light in a darker room by hanging a framed mirror directly opposite the window.

· Spruce up the entrance by painting the front door with a cheerful color and pair it with a new lighting fixture.

The best wall decor ideas for 2017

One of the best things about having your own room is that you can do whatever you want in that room without being judged by anyone from the outer world. Interior design has turned its course from professionalism to creativity. You don’t have to be an interior designer to design your room into something amazing. All you have to be is someone with a creative mind. However, sometimes our mind doesn’t quite work the way we want it to work. We’ve got you covered for all your creativity needs. Here are some of the best wall decor ideas that’ll get you blown away.

Wall art with postcards

Postcards aren’t just used to say hello anymore you can now do a lot with them. That’s right! We’ll teach you how. Get a pack of penguin colorful postcards. They won’t cost you more than a buck. Now get a canvas and start pasting them one by one side by side and fill up the canvas. Now that your canvas is filled with penguin postcards hang it on your wall. This is probably one of the best wall decor ideas you’ll find on the web that is both easy and attractive.

Hi! Canvas design

Sometimes a simple Hi can flip your mood and your frown upside down. Well, this Hi actually makes your wall a master piece. Just a matter of minutes and you’ll transform your room into a work of art. I know this may sound crazy but all you need for this is a sponge, black ink and a canvas. That’s right! That’s all you need. All you have to do is cut the sponge into a “Hi!” shape and stick it to a cardboard piece. Now damp it with some ink and push it softly on the canvas. One in the top right corner and several in the left down corner, now hang it on your wall and enjoy.

Stenciled Graffiti

Ever thought you’ll see the words Stencil and Graffiti in the same sentence? Well with our creative wall decor ideas you can easily make your wall what you want to make it. It can really be anything. If you have a peach colored plain wall mix some orange paint up with a tiny black and stencil the word ‘Autumn, my love’ on it and there you have another creatively genius idea for your room’s wall. The best part is this won’t even cost you a thing.

Old clothing

Remember that cloth piece that you never throw away because it’s too expensive or belongs to a dress that has attachment to you? Well our wall decor ideas have something in store for them. Get a bunch of frames of different sizes. Now what we’re about to tell you would look great on an empty wall. Place that old clothing on the frames that you’ve selected. Not in them but over them. Fix them up and hand the frames. And there you have it another masterpiece for your wall. 

Your home, your reflection - Short of ideas?

We tend to pay special attention to the way our house looks. It is the decor that decides the impression your home will give to others. In fact, it is not just about how others see your house. Even you will feel the positive impact of a well decorated house. A cluttered and unrefined decor will put you off and you will not be able to feel at ease. On the contrary, a house that has been exquisitely designed and sophisticated decorated will give you a nice and pleasant feel. All of us want our house to look the best, but the problem arises when we are short of ideas. What sort of accessories are in fashion? How do you color coordinate your furniture and other decor items with the color of your walls? What can be done to ensure that your house looks as if it has been designed along the lines of style and sophistication without giving the impression that you have tried too hard? The answer to all these questions lies in catalogs for home decor.

Let your house define you

The mistake that most people tend to commit is that they copy others. Your house should be a reflection of your personality. Take a look at the numerous catalogs for home décor that will give you a general perception about the latest trends. Then you need to amalgamate the ideas into the décor of your house in a way that it does not seem forced. People tend to fill their house with décor items which have no meaning and do not gel well with the rest of the surroundings. 

This gives the impression that you do have a lot of money and a good eye for home décor items, but in reality, you just do not know the art of incorporating these items in your house. This is the tricky part. Regardless of how much you like a certain setting or an accessory, only opt for it if you are confident that it will go well with the rest of the setting of your house. Otherwise, it will all fall apart. The catalogs for home décor are meant to give you ideas. It is up to you how you use these ideas to make your home décor stand out and be unique.

Money is not the answer

It is not necessary that if you wish to have a well decorated house, you need to have a lot of money. When you take a look at the various catalogs for home décor, you have the option of finding substitutes to the items that are featured in them at a lower rate. Various catalogs for home décor also feature ideas as to how you can decorate your house at an inexpensive rate. The answer does not lie into having a ton of money. The solution is to use your money wisely and make complete use of the catalogs for home décor to make your house look refined and stylish.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tips about Home Designing Services

It is not just a house

Home Decoration Ideas
A person dreams about acquiring his own place for a long time. This is a long lived and cherished dream for many. People work day and night to realize this dream and make it a reality. After a lot of hard work, a person finally comes across the opportunity to fulfill his dream and he purchases his own house. But is the work finished then? The answer is in negative; the truth is that this is just the beginning. A lot has to still be done. Once the house has been bought, it has to be transformed into a home. It has to be decorated in a fashion that would make it feel homely. Every single decision, including the carpeting that has to be put in each room along with the type of furniture that should be bought for every room, holds utmost important. Since it is not every day that one gets the opportunity to decorate his own home, this is not a job that ought to be taken lightly. It is advisable to acquire professional services for the purpose to ensure that the entire ride is smooth sailing and nothing puts your excitement and happiness into jeopardy.

Do not select just anyone

This is your home we are talking about, the place that you bought with lots of hopes and aspirations, the place where you hope to reside for a long time to come. The responsibility of designing this place is significant, which is why it cannot be entrusted to just anybody. Certain things have to be taken into account while selecting the appropriate home decoration ideas service. We are now going to provide you with some tips that you should make use of when you are about to acquire home designing services.

Adequate administration

The company that you acquire services of should have a top class administrative department. This would ensure that every work is done smoothly and no bumps occur along the road. For this purpose, you can conduct a research where you can focus on the previous clients of the company so that you can assuage whether the company has a strong administrative hold that would be able to handle everything or not.

Communication is essential

This is your house at the end of the day. Your input is valuable in its design. You should select a company that is not reluctant to take input from you, a Home Decoration company that would understand that your house needs to be a reflection of you, which is why your tastes and requirements have to be taken into account.

Walk you through every step

It would not do if a company does its own thing without taking your advice into account. You need to acquire the services of someone who would guide you through every step and explain to you every detail.

Timing is important

A company is only reliable if it promises what it can deliver. Opt for a company that does not make false promises and delivers on time without any delay.